The Pressetext principle provides that a ‘material’ variation to public works contracts that triggers a fresh procurement process is one that changes the character of the original contract such as to demonstrate an intention between the parties to renegotiate the essential terms of the contract. The case provides the following


av L Gashi · 2016 — When assessing whether a change is substantial or just a small-scale modification the Pressetext case and article 72 in directive 2014/24/EU 

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Pressetext case

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For example, there is no financial limit on an amendment provided for in an It is helpful that in the Pressetext case the European Court of Justice ruled that changes which are detrimental to the Supplier are not affected by the case and are not required to go through a The Pressetext case and decision's practice in the Czech Republic has solved this question: In order to ensure transparency of procedures and equal treatment of tenderers, amendments to provisions of a public contract during the currency of the contract constitute a new award of a contract when they are materially different in character from the original contract and, therefore, are such as to In Case C‑454/06, REFERENCE for a preliminary ruling under Article 234 EC from the Bundesvergabeamt (Austria), made by decision of 10 November 2006, received at the Court on 13 November 2006, in the proceedings. pressetext Nachrichtenagentur GmbH. v. Republik Österreich (Bund), APA-OTS Originaltext – Service GmbH, Pressetext - Case Study Homes Press Release - Case Study Homes: Peter Bialobrzeski - Case Study Homes.

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211 211 On the relevance of these issues to competition dialogue, for example, see Arrowsmith and Treumer ‘Competitive Dialogue in EU Law’ (n 194). Ruling of the Press Council —— In case no. 2009-6-0796 C vs. TV 2 on Tuesday, 21 April 2009, the Press Council issued the following R u l i n g: On behalf of C, Attorney Lauge Fastrup has lodged a complaint with the Press Council about a programme on TV 2 on 11 …, Luzern (Lucerne, Switzerland).

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Pressetext case

While Regulation 72 does not change the existing law it does clarify it and provide greater certainty as to whether a modification is likely to be substantial. It is generally well understood, since the Court of Justice's judgment in Pressetext (C-454/06), that a material change to the essential terms of a contract constitutes a new agreement and an obligation to retender.

A series of European Court cases (including pressetext) developed new rules on changes to contracts (e.g. when changes are ‘material' enough to amount to a new contract which requires re-tendering). The regulations incorporate those rules. Certain points have been clarified and developed further. Pressetext Nachrichtenagentur (Law relating to undertakings) [2008] EUECJ C-454/06 (19 June 2008) Practical Law Case Page D-014-2997 (Approx. 1 page) Ask a question This tutorial explains how to create a detailed Use Case Template Text.
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Pressetext case

Watch Video Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetext’s legal research suite. 210 Case C-454/06 pressetext Nachrichtenagentur v Austria [2008] ECR I-4401. 211 211 On the relevance of these issues to competition dialogue, for example, see Arrowsmith and Treumer ‘Competitive Dialogue in EU Law’ (n 194).

Case C-454/06. pressetext Nachrichtenagentur GmbH. v.
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av E Bimer · 2016 — The public procurement rules may in some cases still be applied on Pressetext-domen förhållandevis ingående, eftersom det var genom den.

Det är en text som vill berätta om något: en ny vara eller tjänst, ett viktigt meddelande eller en spännande nyhet etc. Man läser tyvärr alltför många presstexter idag som helt enkelt inte håller måttet och det är synd. Att skriva presstexter är en egen liten konstform och något som turned to case law on the subject and applied the principles laid down by the ECJ in the Pressetext case (Pressetext Nachrichtenagentur GmbH v Republik Österreich [2008]).