Michel Foucault (1926–1984) is the most cited researcher across all fields. He was a French philosopher who called his project a Critical History of Thought.Since 1998, Foucault.info has been providing free access to a large selection of Foucault’s texts, including the full transcript of the then unpublished seminar Discourse and Truth.


Michel Foucault - Michel Foucault - Foucault’s ideas: What types of human beings are there? What is their essence? What is the essence of human history? Of humankind? Contrary to so many of his intellectual predecessors, Foucault sought not to answer these traditional and seemingly straightforward questions but to critically examine them and the responses they had inspired.

Övers: Sara Gordon (Albert Bonniers Panache). En märklig för att inte säga helgalen deckare men rätt  Allt om 'Michel Foucault' på VICE. Foucault, historien och historikern. Receptionen av Foucault inom svensk historisk forskning. Roddy Nilsson. Inledning.

Michel foucaults

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Under sin levnad skrev han bland annat om sexualitetens historia  Ellibs E-bokhandel - E-bok: Michel Foucault: A Research Companion - Författare: Gudmand-Høyer, Marius - Pris: 226,90€ Download Citation | Säkerhet, territorium, befolkning : Collège de France 1977-1978 / Michel Foucault | översättning, Kim West ; Edition établie sous la direction  Den franske filosofen och historikern Michel Foucault (1926-1984) var utan tvekan en av 1900-talets mest originella tänkare. I likhet med existentialisterna före  L'« a priori historique et concret » recherché par Foucault se définira donc dans la Naissance de la clinique comme une certaine répartition du visible et du dicible,  Original and challenging, the essays assess the relevance of Foucault's work to Part I Foucault and education. 9 Routledge Library Editions: Michel Foucault. Bekanta dig med Svenska Yles innehåll om Michel Foucault.


2014 Jun;48(6):563-71. doi: 10.1111/medu  Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was a French 20th-century philosopher and historian who spent his career forensically critiquing the power of the modern bourgeois  Michel Foucault | Deborah Cook examines the work of a thinker who issued 'a powerful warning against blind submission to the will of authorities' ธีรยุทธ บุญมี, มิเชล ฟูโกต์ = Michel Foucault (กรุงเทพฯ : วิภาษา, 2551). ดุษฎี วรธรรม ดุษฎี, "บทนำสู่ความปรกติ/ไม่ปรกติ หรือ ABNORMALIZATION," รัฐศาสตร์สาร 30,2 (  10 May 2017 Michel Foucault: Biopolitics and Biopower (given the attention they have subsequently received), concepts of Michel Foucault's oeuvre. MICHEL FOUCAULT, one of the leading philosophical thinkers of the 20th century, was born in Poitiers, France, in 1926.

Michel Foucault was a French philosopher, social theorist and historian of ideas. He held a chair at the Collège de France with the title "History of Systems of Thought," but before he was Professor at University of Tunis, Tunisia, and then Professor at University Paris VIII.

Michel foucaults

Hans far, Paul Foucault (1893–1959), var en framstående kirurg och anatomilektor vid medicinska fakulteten och ville att sonen skulle gå i hans fotspår. Paul-Michel Foucault was born on 15 October 1926 in the city of Poitiers, west-central France, as the second of three children in a prosperous, socially-conservative, upper-middle-class family.

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Michel foucaults

Där gjorde han en del av sina undersökningar till den numera klassiska  Den frågan står i centrum för Michel Foucaults Övervakning och straff (Surveiller et punir), den kanske mest inflytelserika i hans långa rad av civilisationskritiska  "Tanken utanför" skrevs av Michel Foucault 1966 och handlar om fo?rfattaren Maurice Blanchot. Tjugo år senare och efter Foucaults död svarade Blanchot med  An archaeology of the human sciences (1970 [1966]). *”En intervju med Michel Foucault” av Yngve Lindung, i BLM mars 1968. 2.

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En sådan är Jacques Derrida; en annan Michel Foucault. I Oxford Handbook of Ecocriticism (2014) beskrivs den förre som ”ekokritikens bästa 

He lectured in universities Michel Foucault dedicated a significant part of his works to the study of political economy. In the late 1980s, these analyses attracted the interest of historians of  Michel Foucault. By: Lynn Fendler Series Editor(s): Richard Bailey.